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Miracle Power of Gems

Associations: Venus and Sun

Traditional Birthstone for the Month of August.

Stone of Virgo, Leo and Sagittarius. To dream of Peridot signifies that you need to be cautious for a period of time.


Mystical Properties:
Peridot is told to  have the ability to bring healing and vitality to the whole body. It it said to increase patience, confidence and assertiveness. Stories told since ancient times about how this gemstone has the ability to slow the aging process.

The joyful and friendly energy of this stone helps to make and seal friendships, it clears the heart, releases the ego, which in turn cleanses jealousy and anger, hence bringing about a sense of peace and quiet amusement.

A visionary stone, peridot helps connect us to our destinies and to an understanding of the purpose of existence. Can assist us in visualize not only the ultimate peak of physical but of spiritual continuation as well. However, if you are confused or fearful, Peridot should be used in a limited way, as it releases toxins and brings them to the surface, thus neutralizing them.

Healing Properties:
Peridot reduces stress, stimulates the mind, and amplifies intuitive awareness. It is most useful as a balancer of the glandular system, as peridot assists with tissue regeneration and purifies the body by strengthening the blood.  It is also told to aid in digestion and to reduce fever.

Commonly used  in treating emotional states such as anger or jealousy and irritation. It’s color as well as the stone, Inspires healing, renewal, purification, rebirth and growth. It has the power to heal hurt feelings and mend damaged relationships.

It is especially good for healing the healers.

Chakra Classification:
Clears 4th, Heart Chakra pathway, strengthening breath of life, prosperity, growth and openness. Peridot when used to cleanse and to stimulate the 4th, Heart Chakra and 3rd, Solar Plexus Chakra, brings openness and acceptance to the intellectual pursuit in matters of love and relationships.

For specific chakra work though, because it acts to seal the aura, it is suggested that peridot be removed while working on chakras other than the heart and solar plexus.