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Miracle Power of Gems


If your motto is “Seeing is Believing” then we are like-minded.

Like minded groups of people grow together. I stumbled upon this system like Archimedes. It was “eureka” for me too. Now people who stay in my neighborhood are also benefiting from this system. It is not just the gemstones alone that work for them but the complete system I accidentally found. I have tried many ways and systems but ‘this one’ works the best for the most number of people.

80% of the clients have only success stories to tell you. We will be up-dating more testimonies from time to time. Time being, if you’re in a hurry to get results in your life, up-date yourself with our system. Become part of it.

Why are gems kept for a lifetime?  Because the vibrations charged with navagrahas mantras work like miracles. It also depends on who does the mantras, what state of mental disposition the ‘samy’ is in, and what is his spiritual attainment level.

The testimonials are just the tip of the iceberg because most issues are too personal in nature for broadcast.

Certificate of Guarantee will be issued for each gem bought from us. See Package Deal section. Go to HOMEPAGE.

Just come for a normal consultation. Each consultation is RM50.

Best Regards,

Master Ji


For making appointments call  :

Master Ji (speaks English, Malay, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu) 017-6218838